Fury Warrior Mythic+ Guide (2024)


Fury Warrior Mythic+ Guide

Last Updated: August 9th 2024

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11.0 - The War Within

Welcome to the Fury Warrior Mythic+ guide for World of Warcraft patch 11.0! In this guide there is advice on how you can improve your damage by having a good rotation, a good talent build and a good gear setup. There is also a Dungeons section that focuses on each Mythic+ dungeon, with advice on how to counter them as a Fury Warrior.

Fury Warriors primary resource is called Rage, and you generate Rage with most of your abilities, and also through Auto Attacks. You have only 1 offensive ability that costs Rage, and that is Rampage. Rampage is crucial for keeping up Enrage, which provides a massive damage boost.

Fury Warriors have currently 2 different playstyles viable in the pre-patch 11.0, Anger Management with Season 4 tier 4-set, and Reckless Abandon with Season 3 tier 2-set + Season 4 tier 2-set. If you have access to Season 3 Tier it should do slightly more damage, but since Season 3 gear is no longer attainable this guide covers both Anger Management and Reckless Abandon.

The Anger Management setup focuses on spending Rage to have a higher uptime of cooldowns. The Reckless Abandon build focuses instead on the strength of the cooldowns themselves, with Odyn's Fury, Titan's Torment and Season 3 2-set Furious Bloodthirst all working together to provide incredible AoE burst damage.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Fury Warrior

Fury Warrior Mythic+ Guide (1)Fury Warrior Mythic+ Guide (2)

Fury WarriorMythic+











  • Fury Warriors can easily pick up multi-target talents while barely sacrificing single-target damage, which is important for Mythic+ dungeons since you need both Boss and AoE damage.
  • Warriors have access to Shockwave which is an AoE stun with an unusually short cooldown when paired with Rumbling Earth.
  • With damage taken reduction through Warpaint and passive self-healing with Bloodthirst, Cold Steel, Hot Blood and Second Wind, Fury Warriors are some of the most passively durable specializations in Mythic+.
  • With Defensive Stance, Impending Victory and Spell Reflection as low cooldown defensives, Fury Warriors are rarely caught with no defensive options available to cover dangerous situations in Mythic+.
  • Heroic Leap and Charge makes it very easy to stay mobile and stick to your target as a Warrior.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Fury Warrior

Reckless Abandon

Reckless Abandon

Anger Management

  • Wrath and Fury is currently bugged and not applying the damage bonus to Raging Blow. When this bug is fixed drop Vicious Contempt to pick Wrath and Fury.

When to use this Spec

Use the Reckless Abandon talent builds if you have access to Season 3 Tier Set (2pc), if you only have Season 4 tier then go with the Anger Management build.

This talent build excels at burst and AoE damage. This is your primary talent build for mythic+, but you should switch to the Cleave build when your group is primarily struggling with single-target bosses.

Gameplay Altering Talents

Discover all talents that significantly alter your gameplay within the Spec and Class Talent trees. This section gives a concise overview of these talents and their applications but for a more detailed look check out the Rotation and Deep Dive sections below.

Spec Tree

  • Improved Whirlwind and Meat Cleaver.
    • These talents enable your cleave, and without them you are completely single target outside of your cooldowns.
  • Bladestorm
    • You can not cast other offensive abilities while channeling Bladestorm, but it deals very significant burst damage especially when paired with Unhinged.
  • Reckless Abandon
    • The buffed Bloodthirst is called Bloodbath and it works with Season 3 set Furious Bloodthirst.
  • Cruelty, Slaughtering Strikes and Hack and Slash.
    • You invest a lot into Raging Blow with these talents, both in power and in availability. Raging Blow together with the buffed version Crushing Blow is your most used ability.
  • Powerful Enrage
    • With how much of your damage comes from cooldowns with this talent build, the flat damage increase from Powerful Enrage is stronger than the haste from the alternative Frenzied Enrage.
  • Odyn's Fury
    • Deals high burst AoE damage.
  • Titanic Rage
    • Buffs your cooldowns and saves you a weak Whirlwind cast since Titanic Rage also triggers Improved Whirlwind.

Class Tree

  • Titan's Torment
    • Excellent burst damage especially with Season 3 2pc.
  • Thunderous Roar
    • Very strong for AoE and convenient to use on somewhat spread targets with the 12 yard radius.
    • Thunderous Words is excellent with Odyn's Fury and Cold Steel, Hot Blood.
  • Wrath and Fury is currently bugged and not applying the damage bonus to Raging Blow. When this bug is fixed drop Vicious Contempt to pick Wrath and Fury.

When to use this Spec

Use the Reckless Abandon talent builds if you have access to Season 3 Tier Set (2pc), if you only have Season 4 tier then go with the Anger Management build.

This talent build is sacrificing AoE damage in order to get more single-target. Sometimes in Mythic+ the hard part can be killing a difficult single-target boss, and Fury Warriors have a great ability to adjust to this. This talent build still does good AoE damage.

If your Mythic+ group is only doing small pulls this can also be a better option compared to the AoE Talents even for trash.

Talent Adjustments

Listing all the changes within Class and Spec tree compared to the Reckless Abandon AoE build.


  • Ravager
    • Dropping Bladestorm to pick up this, Ravager is less burst but you deal more damage when fighting single targets.
    • Look at the Deep Dive section for info on how to play your Ravager cooldown window.
  • 2x Swift Strikes
  • 1x Armored to the Teeth


  • Bladestorm
  • 2x Deft Experience
  • Uproar
    • Uproar is very weak in single-target compared to Armored to the Teeth.
  • Wrath and Fury is currently bugged and not applying the damage bonus to Raging Blow. When this bug is fixed drop Unbridled Ferocity to pick Wrath and Fury.

When to use this Spec

Use this spec if you don't have access to Season 3 Tier Set (2pc), Anger Management with full Season 4 is roughly 2-3% behind in simulations compared to Reckless Abandon with Season 3 (2pc).

Gameplay Altering Talents

Discover all talents that significantly alter your gameplay within the Spec and Class Talent trees. This section gives a concise overview of these talents and their applications but for a more detailed look check out the Rotation and Deep Dive sections below.

Spec Tree

  • Improved Whirlwind and Meat Cleaver.
    • These talents enable your cleave, and without them you are completely single target outside of your cooldowns.
  • Ravager
    • Ravager in combination with Unhinged is a lot of burst damage.
  • Anger Management
    • Enables you to use cooldowns much more frequently, and you run into a positive feedback loop of getting your cooldowns back quicker, cooldowns let you spend more rage, which gets your cooldowns back faster again.
  • Cruelty, Wrath and Fury, Slaughtering Strikes and Hack and Slash.
    • You invest a lot into Raging Blow with these talents, both in power and in availability. Raging Blow is your second most used spell following Rampage.
  • Frenzied Enrage
    • The Anger Management build is all about spending Rage as fast as you can, and so the haste from Frenzied Enrage is superior to the flat damage from the alternative Powerful Enrage.
  • Odyn's Fury
    • Deals high burst AoE damage.

Class Tree

  • Berserker's Torment
    • Berserker's Torment has amazing synergy with Anger Management.
      • The increased uptime of Recklessness helps fuel the positive feedback loop mentioned under Anger Management.
      • With much more common Recklessness casts you get significant Avatar uptime.
  • Thunderous Roar
    • Very strong for AoE and convenient to use on somewhat spread targets with the 12 yard radius.
    • Thunderous Words is excellent with Odyn's Fury and Cold Steel, Hot Blood.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Fury Warrior

Reckless Abandon

Anger Management

Tier Set

  • Season 4 (2pc): Rampage damage and critical strike chance increased by 15%.
  • Season 3 (2pc): Odyn's Fury deals 50% increased damage and causes your next 3 Bloodthirst to deal 150% additional damage and have 100% increased critical strike chance against its primary target.

When to use Fyr'alath the Dreamrender

  • Use Fyr'alath the Dreamrender when you do not have Avatar or Recklessness active. This applies to both single-target and multi-target.
  • Prioritize your other cooldowns over Fyr'alath the Dreamrender if another cooldown and Fyr'alath are both ready at the same time.


Opener Rotation

  • Your goal in the opener is to quickly get Enrage and use your cooldowns.
  • When you use Recklessness with Reckless Abandon it gives you 50 rage, and using Charge with Recklessness active gives 40 rage, this way you get the rage needed for Rampage.

Priority List

This is a general priority you aim to maintain throughout the fight.

  1. Use Rampage when you do not have Enrage active or it is about to run out within a Global Cooldown.
  2. Use Cooldowns when available with the following priority:
    1. Use Ravager (Cleave Talents) on cooldown.
    2. Use Thunderous Roar on cooldown.
    3. Use Recklessness on cooldown.
    4. Use Avatar on cooldown.
    5. Use Bladestorm (AoE Talents) on cooldown.
    6. Use Odyn's Fury on cooldown but do not refresh Odyn's Fury debuff that you applied from Titan's Torment.
  3. Use Crushing Blow on cooldown.
  4. Use Bloodbath on cooldown.
  5. Use Rampage when 110+ rage or Recklessness is active.
  6. Use Execute on cooldown.
  7. Use Raging Blow on cooldown.
  8. Use Bloodthirst (if you do not have Furious Bloodthirst) on cooldown.
  9. Use Rampage.
  10. Use Slam.

Multi Target

  • Improved Whirlwind and Meat Cleaver.
    • These talents enable your cleave through Whirlwind.

Opener Rotation

  • Your goal in the opener is to quickly get Enrage and use your cooldowns. Whirlwind is applied through Titanic Rage.
  • When you use Recklessness with Reckless Abandon it gives you 50 rage, and using Charge with Recklessness active gives 40 rage, this way you get the rage needed for Rampage.
  • Sometimes in Mythic+ the mobs are spread out and take some time to gather around the tank, then you can just build up rage for the Rampage without using Recklessness and instead use Recklessness together with Avatar.

Priority List for Multi Target

This is a general priority you aim to maintain throughout the fight.

  1. Use Whirlwind if needed to apply Whirlwind.
  2. Use Rampage when you do not have Enrage active or it is about to run out within a Global Cooldown.
  3. Use Cooldowns when available with the following priority:
    1. Use Ravager (Cleave Talents) on cooldown.
    2. Use Thunderous Roar on cooldown.
    3. Use Recklessness on cooldown.
    4. Use Avatar on cooldown.
    5. Use Bladestorm(AoE Talents) on cooldown.
    6. Use Odyn's Fury on cooldown but do not refresh Odyn's Fury debuff that you applied from Titan's Torment.
  4. Use Crushing Blow on cooldown.
  5. Use Bloodbath on cooldown.
  6. Use Rampage if you have 110 or more Rage, or if Recklessness is up.
  7. Use Execute on cooldown.
  8. Use Raging Blow on cooldown.
  9. Use Bloodthirst on cooldown if you do not have Furious Bloodthirst, because you want to spend those on Bloodbath.
  10. Use Rampage.
  11. Use Whirlwind.

Tier Set

  • Season 4 (2pc): Rampage damage and critical strike chance increased by 15%.
  • Season 4 (4pc): Rampage causes your next Bloodthirst to have a 12% increased critical strike chance, deal 35% increased damage and generate 2 additional Rage. Stacking up to 10 times.

When to use Fyr'alath the Dreamrender

  • Use Fyr'alath the Dreamrender when you do not have Avatar or Recklessness active. This applies to both single-target and multi-target.
  • Prioritize your other cooldowns over Fyr'alath the Dreamrender if another cooldown and Fyr'alath are both ready at the same time.


Opener Rotation

  • Your goal in the opener is to quickly get Enrage while not delaying your cooldowns, thankfully there are a few abilities synergizing allowing you to instantly reach the required 80 rage needed for Rampage.
  • When you use Recklessness it applies an Avatar from Berserker's Torment which gives you 20 rage, and your normal Avatar provides another 20 rage. Charge provides the remaining 40 rage.
  • It is important that you use Recklessness before Avatar and Charge, since Recklessness gives you a 100% rage generation increase.
  • Use Ravager at range before you even Charge the boss.
  • This opener can vary depending on your Rage generation, below you see one variation of the opener in single-target. Sometimes you are able to use several Rampage in a row with a lot of rage coming in from Ravager.
/cast Recklessness/cast Avatar/cast Charge

A macro like this is good for the Fury Warrior Anger Management Mythic+ opener.

Priority List

This is a general priority you aim to maintain throughout the fight.

  1. Use Ravager on cooldown.
  2. Use Recklessness on cooldown.
  3. Use Avatar on cooldown.
  4. Use Rampage.
  5. Use Thunderous Roar on cooldown.
  6. Use Odyn's Fury on cooldown.
  7. Use Bloodthirst if you have at least 95% chance to crit with it. This is a good WeakAura to know when that is.
  8. Use Raging Blow on cooldown.
  9. Use Execute on cooldown.
  10. Use Bloodthirst on cooldown.
  11. Use Whirlwind.
  • You do 99.5%+ of your potential damage on single-target if you follow this priority list, but there are possible improvements you can learn about in the Deep Dive section.

Multi Target

Multi target or in some cases AoE (Area of Effect) involves dealing damage to multiple enemies simultaneously, making it effective for clearing groups of enemies quickly.

  • Improved Whirlwind and Meat Cleaver.
    • These talents enable your cleave through Whirlwind.
  • Your highest priority is to have Whirlwind active.
  • The Whirlwind ability itself does low damage, so only use it to enable your cleave or as a last priority filler.

Priority List for Multi Target

This is a general priority you aim to maintain throughout the fight.

  1. Use Ravager on cooldown.
  2. Use Recklessness on cooldown.
  3. Use Avatar on cooldown.
  4. Use Whirlwind if needed to get Whirlwind.
  5. Use Rampage.
  6. Use Thunderous Roar on cooldown.
  7. Use Odyn's Fury on cooldown.
  8. Use Bloodthirst if you have at least 95% chance to crit with it. This is a good WeakAura to know when that is.
  9. Use Raging Blow on cooldown.
  10. Use Execute on cooldown.
  11. Use Bloodthirst on cooldown.
  12. Use Whirlwind
  • You do 99.5%+ of your potential damage on multi-target if you follow this priority list, but there are possible improvements you can learn about in the Deep Dive section.

Deep Dive

Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Fury Warrior

Reckless Abandon

Anger Management

RavagerUnhinged's interaction with Reckless Abandon

  • The automatic Bloodthirst being cast by Unhinged can consume Bloodbath, which is an opportunity to instead cast other high priority abilities, such as Crushing Blow and Odyn's Fury.
  • A Ravager AoE cooldown window is shown below.
  • Remember that Odyn's Fury with Titanic Rage gives you Whirlwind.
  • Avatar with Titan's Torment also casts an automatic Odyn's Fury that gives you Whirlwind.

Delay Rampage

  • Since Rampage has a Rage cost but no cooldown, you can delay it without losing a Rampage use if you do not rage cap.
  • The high value of Rampage comes from:
    • Reducing the remaining cooldown of Ravager and Recklessness through Anger Management.
    • Triggering Enrage.
    • Dealing significant damage.
  • So in a scenario where:
    • This Rampage would not be enough cooldown reduction to get Recklessness ready (4 seconds).
    • You already have Enrage.
    • You do not risk hitting the rage cap.
  • It is beneficial to use other high priority abilities such as Execute and Raging Blow and delay Rampage.
    • You are not guaranteed to always have Enrage up, and so saving up rage while you have Enrage already active gives you a higher overall uptime of Enrage.
    • Using Rampage is likely to give you additional Raging Blow charges from Hack and Slash, so using Raging Blow before Rampage gives you more overall Raging Blow casts instead of lower priority abilities.

Compared to the standard priority list this is a more detailed version of when to use Rampage:

  • When Recklessness is active.
  • When you do not have Enrage or it is about to run out within a Global Cooldown.
  • When Raging Blow and Execute are on cooldown.
  • When you have more than 110 rage.
  • When Recklessness has less than 4 seconds remaining cooldown.

Refresh Whirlwind early

  • In most situations Rampage has a very high priority, but in Multi-Target situations this can clash with another high priority of keeping Whirlwind active. This clash happens when you have a lot of rage coming in, mainly when Ravager is active.
  • What you want to avoid is to spend your last Whirlwind stack, and then be forced to apply a new Whirlwind while stuck on max rage unable to Rampage.
  • Use Whirlwind when you have only 1 stack of Whirlwind remaining if Ravager is active and you have more than 60 rage.

Understanding Mechanics

Rotational min-maxing is just one aspect of mastering a specialization, but there are numerous other key mechanics that influence your performance. Use the following guides to improve them.

  • Pandemic
  • Spell Queue Window
  • Stat Diminishing Returns


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Fury Warrior

← Scroll for more Dungeons

Brackenhide Hollow

Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr

The Nokhud Offensive

Algeth'ar Academy

Halls of Infusion

The Azure Vault


Ruby Life Pools

Boss Tips

Hackclaw's War-Band

  • Prioritize damage on Hextrick Totem.
  • If you are targeted by Earth Bolt then let the cast go through and use Spell Reflection.


  • Gutshot summons Rotfang Hyenas when he casts Call Hyenas. When a Rotfang Hyena is in an Ensnaring Trap Gutshot casts Master's Call, so be ready to interrupt.


  • Use Intimidating Shout in order to stop Decaying Slime from casting Gushing Ooze.
  • Vine Whip is a very fast frontal cast by Treemouth, so be careful to not stand on the tank.

Decatriarch Wratheye

  • Prioritize damage on Rotburst Totem, the timeline below is an example of how you can use your cooldowns.
  • The first Rotburst Totem is 17 seconds into the fight and then alternating 18 and 27 seconds apart.
  • Decaying Strength is dangerous, so make sure to use at least Spell Reflection for every cast.

Trash Tips

  • Stop Summon Lashers from Decayed Elders by using Shockwave, Intimidating Shout or Storm Bolt.
  • Use Shockwave, Intimidating Shout or Storm Bolt to stop Vicious Clawmangle from Claw Fighters.
  • You can use Spell Reflection to counter:
    • Decay Surge from Decay Speaker and Filth Caller.
    • Touch of Decay from Brackenhide Shaper.
    • Earth Bolt from Tickclaw Mystic.
    • Withering Contagion from Vile Rothexer.

Boss Tips

The Lost Dwarves

  • Put Olaf on focus so you can be ready to interrupt Defensive Bulwark.
  • Both Wild Cleave and Heavy Arrow are dangerous frontals so watch out.


  • When Bromach casts Call of the Deep 4 adds are summoned, 1 of them casts Stone Spike and Chain Lightning which you should interrupt or use Spell Reflection if it is cast on you.
  • Maximize damage on Quaking Totem since you take high damage while it is up. When the totem dies it stuns the adds and makes them take more damage through Tremor.

Sentinel Talondras

  • You can reflect Earthen Shards, which is amazing defensively and it also does a lot of damage to Sentinel Talondras. It is an instant cast so you have to pre-use Spell Reflection and hope that it goes on you.
  • Use defensives if you are affected by Earthen Shards, especially if Crushing Stomp overlaps.


  • Use Spell Reflection when Searing Clap is cast in order to reflect Burning Heat. You can use Spell Reflection on every other cast of Searing Clap.

Chrono-Lord Deios

  • Time Sink can be reflected with Spell Reflection, it does no damage to Chrono-Lord Deios but you should still aim to reflect it for the defensive value.
  • Time Sink is cast first 5 seconds into the fight, then 20 seconds later and after that alternating ~35 and ~23 seconds apart. Since Spell Reflection cooldown is 25 seconds this means you have to pre-use Spell Reflection early on the first Time Sink after Rewind Timeflow in order to have it ready for all Time Sink casts.

Trash Tips

  • Ebonstone Golem casts Thunderous Clap which is a very dangerous AoE, but you are able to Line of Sight it. Hide behind a wall to not take damage, alternatively be ready with defensives.
  • Stunning Refti Custodian causes them to take 100% increased damage, so use Storm Bolt or Shockwave on them.
  • You can use Spell Reflection in order to counter:
    • Stone Spike from Stonevault Geomancer.
    • Stone Bolt from Earthen Warder and Earthen Weaver.
  • These are some noteworthy spells that should be stopped with Shockwave, Intimidating Shout or Storm Bolt:
    • Spiked Carapace from Vicious Basilisk.
    • Chain Lightning from Stonevault Geomancer --- Can also use Spell Reflection if the cast is on you.
    • Hail of Stone from Earthen Weaver.
    • Curse of Stone from Earthen Warder -- Can also use Spell Reflection if the cast is on you.

Boss Tips


  • Use Hamstring on Nokhud Saboteur in order to give your group more time to kill it.
  • Shards of Stone does a lot of damage, and at the start of combat it is cast very frequently but from the third cast onwards there is a 28 seconds gap between casts. The timeline below is a good way to use your defensives for Granyth.

Raging Tempest

  • If you Taunt the boss while out of range he casts Wind Burst on you, and you can use Spell Reflection to do a lot of damage to Raging Tempest. When you are not in a coordinated group taunting the boss might backfire and get you killed, so make sure to communicate with your tank when you do this.
  • Pick up Surge of Power stacks and try to refresh them.

Teera & Maruuk

  • Spell Reflection is ready for every Gale Arrow cast, and you should also use Enraged Regeneration if available otherwise go into Defensive Stance.
  • You can use Bladestorm to immune Frightful Roar; both the fear and the damage.

Balakar Khan

  • If you are in a coordinated group you can use Spell Reflection on Conductive Strike, dealing massive damage to Balakar Khan. Look at the BigWigs timer, and if you have Spell Reflection ready in time then walk away from the boss with 1-2 seconds left until he casts it and Taunt. If you were to taunt while in range of him you might get melee hit.

Trash Tips

  • You can use Spell Reflection in order to counter:
    • Storm Shock from Nokhud Thunderfist.
    • Stormbolt from Primalist Stormspeaker and stormcallers.
    • Chain Lightning and Thunderstrike from Primalist Thunderbeast.
    • Death Bolt from Ukhel Corruptor.
  • Stop Rally the Clan with Shockwave, Storm Bolt or Intimidating Shout.

Boss Tips

Overgrown Ancient

  • Interrupt Ancient Branch when it casts Healing Touch.
  • Make sure to have Spell Reflection up for every Burst Forth cast, and alternate Enraged Regeneration and Defensive Stance as shown in the timeline.


  • Crawth casts Deafening Screech roughly every 23 seconds, which is the most unfortunate timing for warriors with Spell Reflection being 25 seconds cooldown. You can try to get 2x Deafening Screech in a row covered by reflect, by pre-using Spell Reflection. You can also play like the timeline below with just alternating reflects.
  • Keep in mind Deafening Screech does more damage until reset by either of the goals because of Sonic Vulnerability.
  • Deafening Screech can be avoided by not being in Crawths line of sight when she starts the cast.


  • When you get Mana Bomb go in Defensive Stance and use Spell Reflection.
  • When Vexamus casts Arcane Fissure go in Defensive Stance.
  • Use Enraged Regeneration, Defensive Stance and Spell Reflection when you get an overlap of Mana Bomb and Arcane Fissure at the same time, this happens around 2 minutes into the fight.
  • Mana Bomb is cast alternating 27 and 23 seconds apart, so make sure to use Spell Reflection instantly if you got the Mana Bomb, otherwise it may not be ready in time for the next bomb.

Echo of Doragosa

  • You can use Spell Reflection to reflect Energy Bomb, this puts the Energy Bomb on the boss and you should stand max melee range in order to avoid it.

Trash Tips

  • You can use Spell Reflection in order to counter:
    • Arcane Missiles from Spectral Invoker, however only 1 tick.
    • Surge from Corrupted Manafiend.
    • Deadly Winds from Guardian Sentry, however does not reflect damage back on the Sentry.
    • Darting Sting from Aggravated Skitterfly, however does not reflect damage back on the Skitterfly.
    • Vicious Ambush from Arcane Ravager, however does not reflect damage back on the Ravager.
  • Stop Mystic Blast with Shockwave, Storm Bolt or Intimidating Shout.

Boss Tips


  • Use Spell Reflection when Irideus casts Static Surge, it comes roughly every 28 seconds.
  • Have Heroic Leap ready for when you get Power Overload in order to get out of the pool instantly if you drop it in melee, or in order to minimize loss of uptime if you drop it at range. If you drop it at range then you Heroic Leap out and Charge back in.

Gulping Goliath

  • If your group is struggling with keeping Curious Swoglets slowed for the Gulp then you can talent into Piercing Howl and go again, but it should not be needed.


  • Khajin deals constant high damage, so try to use Enraged Regeneration when your healer does not have cooldowns running, and keep Spell Reflection on cooldown. Be ready with Impending Victory and health potions.

Primal Tsunami

  • If you coordinate with your group you can use Spell Reflection on Focused Deluge. Taunt before Squall Buffet, use big defensives (for high keys include externals) to survive it and then reflect the following Focused Deluge.
  • If you are a Night Elf you can taunt before Squall Buffet and reflect, and then Shadowmeld to avoid the following Focused Deluge.
  • Use Intimidating Shout and Storm Bolt to stop Primalist Infuser from casting Inundate.
  • Go in Defensive Stance for Tempest's Fury, and use Spell Reflection if you are not using it for Squall Buffet or Focused Deluge.

Trash Tips

  • Avatar can be used to dispel Deep Chill that is cast by Glacial Proto-Dragon.
  • You can use Spell Reflection in order to counter:
    • Containment Beam from Containment Apparatus.
    • Gulp Swog Toxin from Curious Swoglet.
    • Pyretic Burst from Flamecaller Aymi.
    • Ice Shard from Primalist Icecaller.
    • Lightning Blast from Primalist Shocktrooper.
    • Wind Buffet from Primalist Galesinger.
  • Stop Ice Shard with Shockwave, Storm Bolt or Intimidating Shout to help the tank.
  • Stop Demoralizing Shout in order to maximize your speed in the dungeon.
  • Infuser Sariya casts Inundate which is dangerous, so try to cover it with a defensive cooldown.

Boss Tips


  • Use Spell Reflection and Defensive Stance when Leymor casts Consuming Stomp. This is a dangerous AoE and it happens every 50 seconds.
  • Go in Defensive Stance when you get Explosive Brand, this also happens with 50 seconds interval.


  • Summon Draconic Image is cast while in phase 1 with roughly 15 seconds in between casts.
  • You can reflect Illusionary Bolt from the add.

Telash Greywing

  • Use Spell Reflection and Defensive Stance when Telash casts Absolute Zero.
  • Save Enraged Regeneration for when you are targeted by Icy Devastator.


  • The crystals spawn from Brittle when the boss reaches 75, 50 or 25%. Focus damage on the Hardened Crystal, and preferably have offensive cooldowns saved up for it.
  • Use defensives when Crystals are up.

Trash Tips

  • Icy Bindings is a very important cast from Rune Seal Keeper that you should Pummel, because if you don't the entire group gets rooted while there are mechanics to dodge.
  • These are some spells you should stop with Shockwave, Storm Bolt or Intimidating Shout:
    • Mystic Vapors from Conjured Lasher.
    • Waking Bane from Arcane Elemental.
    • Null Stomp from Nullmagic Hornswog.
    • Piercing Shards from Crystal Furies.
  • You can use Bladestorm to immune Crystalline Rupture from Crystal Thrasher.
  • You can use Spell Reflection in order to counter:
    • Arcane Bolt from Arcane Elemental.
    • Condensed Frost from Rune Seal Keeper.
    • Heavy Tome from Unstable Curator.

Boss Tips


  • Use Spell Reflection when Magmatusk casts Volatile Mutation to take less damage from Magma Eruption.
  • Save Enraged Regeneration for when you get Lava Spray, and if you don't have it ready go into Defensive Stance instead.

Chargath, Bane of Scales

  • Use Spell Reflection when Chargath casts Grounding Spear and reflect the damage back on the boss. Spell Reflection is ready every time when Grounding Spear is cast.

Forgemaster Gorek

  • Use Spell Reflection to take less damage from Blazing Hammer every time after Forgemaster Gorek leaps to the middle for Might of the Forge.

Warlord Sargha

  • Use defensives when afflicted by Molten Gold.
  • Storm Bolt the Burning Ember if it is fixating you, and Hamstring to slow it.
  • You can pick up multiplePiles of Goldto stack several usable items, but since picking up a Pile of Gold gives you Curse of the Dragon Hoard it is dangerous. If your group has a decurse it is good to let someone get 2 stacks and dispel them.

Trash Tips

  • Stop Dragonbone Axe and Pierce Marrow from Qalashi Bonesplitter with Shockwave, Storm Bolt or Intimidating Shout.
  • You can use Spell Reflection in order to counter:
    • Melt from Lava Flare.
    • Lava Bolt from Qalashi Lavamancer.
    • Magma Conflagration from Qalashi Thaumaturge.

Boss Tips

Melidrussa Chillworn

  • Use Spell Reflection and Defensive Stance during Chillstorm.

Kokia Blazehoof

  • Blazebound Firestorm from Ritual of Blazebinding comes 34 seconds apart so you can usually have Ravager ready for them. This add should also be interrupted so be ready with Pummel.
  • Use Spell Reflection when Blazebound Firestorm casts Inferno.

Erkhart Stormvein / Kyrakka

  • Use Spell Reflection when you get hit by Flamespit.
  • In last phase also use Enraged Regeneration or Defensive Stance when Flamespit is on you.

Trash Tips

  • Stop these spells with Shockwave, Storm Bolt or Intimidating Shout:
    • Tectonic Slam from Flashfrost Earthshaper.
    • Flame Dance from Primalist Flamedancer.
  • You can use Spell Reflection in order to counter:
    • Living Bomb from Blazebound Destroyer.
    • Icebolt from Flashfrost Chillweaver.
    • Cold Claws from Infused Whelp.
    • Cinderbolt from Primalist Cinderweaver.
    • Lightning Bolt from Primalist Shockcaster.
    • Burning Touch from Scorchling.
    • Thunder Bolt from Tempest Channeler.


Learn how to effectively handle various Mythic+ Affixes as a Fury Warrior. Depending on the level of the Mythic+ Dungeon you face up to two additional Affixes alongside Fortified and Tyrannical.

  • Entangling
    • Heroic Leap to get out quickly or just walk out of it.
  • Incorporeal
    • Intimidating Shout(must have Incorporeal as target), Storm Bolt or Pummel to stop the cast.
    • You can talent Shattering Throw which can deal with an Incorporeal, but with such a long cooldown it's not great compared to what other classes may pick up, although it is worth keeping in mind depending on what classes are in your group.
  • Bolstering
    • Ideally defeat all mobs simultaneously to counter Bolstering.
  • Spiteful
    • Stun them with Shockwave or Storm Bolt a Spiteful Shade targeting you.
  • Sanguine
    • Try to kill mobs at the same time so they don't have time to heal.
    • Some mobs may be standing still in the Sanguine Ichor casting uninterruptible spells. In those scenarios knockbacks are incredibly powerful, but the only knockback warriors have access to is through Menace which won't knock back the main target.
  • Bursting
    • Second Wind can heal through the Burst stacks.

Stat Priority

Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Fury Warrior

Understand your secondary stat priority and the tertiary stats needed for optimal performance during Mythic+ dungeons as a Fury Warrior. For more detailed information, visit the Stats and Attributes guide.

Higher Item level items are better in most scenarios. For an accurate representation of what item to equip you should use Simcraft! A static "Stat Priority" is just a starting point and can easily shift depending on your individual gear.

All secondary stats are affected by diminishing returns. Click here to learn more!


  • Avoidance - Great stat to reduce the damage intake of "Area of Effect" abilities.
  • Leech - Provides additional healing through damage dealing. The damage of your pets does not heal you thus Leech is a great tertiary for you since most of your damage is coming from your own spells.
  • Speed - Niche tertiary that can be very useful and has been proven useful in the past. Makes playing certain mechanics a lot easier.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Fury Warrior

Overall BiS

Farmable Alternatives

HeadThraexhelm of the Onyx CrucibleTier / Catalyst
NeckTerros's Captive CoreTerros
ShoulderMolten Vanguard's ShoulderventsSeason 3 Tier
CloakManteau of the Onyx CrucibleSarkareth + Catalyst
ChestSarkareth's Abyssal EmbraceSarkareth
WristPrimal Molten VambracesCrafting
GlovesMolten Vanguard's CrushersSeason 3 Tier
BeltMatriarch's Opulent GirdleBroodkeeper Diurna
LegsLegplates of the Onyx CrucibleTier / Catalyst
BootsPrimal Molten SabatonsCrafting
Ring 1Seal of Diurna's ChosenEranog
Ring 2Seal of Filial DutyBroodkeeper Diurna
Trinket 1Irideus FragmentHalls of Infusion
Trinket 2Ominous Chromatic EssenceThe Forgotten Experiments
WeaponFyr'alath the DreamrenderFyrakk
Weapon Off-HandAshkandur, Fall of the BrotherhoodEcho of Neltharion

Below you are presented a good list of farmable alternatives that are obtainable outside of WoW’s weekly lockout system. While replaced in time as you progress, these offer immediate character power.

HeadDecay Mother's Wrathful GazeBrackenhide Hollow
NeckUkhel Ancestry BeadsThe Nokhud Offensive
ShoulderMantle of Crushing WavesHalls of Infusion
CloakPotion-Stained CloakAlgeth'ar Academy
ChestBreastplate of Proven KnowledgeAlgeth'ar Academy
WristThrashing Wind VambracesThe Nokhud Offensive
GlovesForgemaster's GripsNeltharus
BeltTrapmaster's Utility BeltBrackenhide Hollow
LegsFural's Blazing FauldsNeltharus
BootsScaleguard's Stalwart GreatbootsRuby Life Pools
Ring 1Unstable Arcane LoopThe Azure Vault
Ring 2Thunderous Downburst RingThe Nokhud Offensive
Trinket 1Algeth'ar Puzzle BoxAlgeth'ar Academy
Trinket 2Irideus FragmentHalls of Infusion
WeaponAlgeth'ar HedgecleaverAlgeth'ar Academy


Below you can find active and passive alternatives to the recommended trinkets. Do note that some trinkets are better than others depending on the scenario.

Active Trinket alternatives

  • Elementium Pocket Anvil
    • Single-Target BiS when playing with Anger Management, it gets significantly stronger on longer fights.
    • Simply use on cooldown, you can even macro it into rotational spells and have it done automatically.
#showtooltip Rampage/castsequence reset=0.7 Rampage, Elementium Pocket Anvil
  • Irideus Fragment
    • BiS when playing with Reckless Abandon
  • Algeth'ar Puzzle Box
    • Good alternative to Irideus Fragment.

Passive Trinket alternatives

  • Cataclysmic Signet Brand
    • The best trinket single-target trinket which gets significantly stronger on longer fights.
  • Ominous Chromatic Essence
    • Is better or worse depending on how many people in your Mythic+ group are using it. This trinket is a good option for Cleave and AoE, if several of your teammates are using it then it is BiS.
  • Idol of Trampling Hooves
    • A farmable alternative from m+, but far behind the best options.


To find the best combination of gear available to you or identify the best possible upgrades, visit our Simcraft guide to learn how to utilize Simcraft easily and effectively.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Fury Warrior

  • Blue Silken Lining x 2
    • This is the best option if you have at least 30% uptime, which you should have most of the time.
    • Can be crafted on almost any slot, on the Overall BiS list it is on feet and wrists.

Honorable mention

  • Allied Wristguard of Companionship
    • For when you have low uptime on Blue Silken Lining.
  • Shadowflame-Tempered Armor Patch
    • If you don't get enough Blue Silken Lining uptime, although it is primarily a single target embellishment.

Remaining Sparks

  • Make sure to apply Alchemical Flavor Pocket if you have an additional crafted item equipped.
  • Crafted items are 525 item level and regular items are 528 on max item level therefore it's not beneficial to equip crafted items outside of your 2x embellishments unless you don't have access to other high item level gear on that slot.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Fury Warrior

HeadIncandescent Essence
NeckTiered Medallion Setting 3x
CloakEnchant Cloak - Graceful Avoidance
ChestEnchant Chest - Waking Stats
WristEnchant Bracer - Devotion of Avoidance
BeltShadowed Belt Clasp
LegsDefender's Armor Kit
BootsEnchant Boots - Watcher's Loam
Ring 1Enchant Ring - Devotion of Haste
Ring 2Enchant Ring - Devotion of Mastery
WeaponEnchant Weapon - Wafting Devotion
Weapon Off-HandEnchant Weapon - Wafting Devotion


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Fury Warrior


  • Iced Phial of Corrupting Rage -- maximum DPS.
  • Phial of Tepid Versatility -- less DPS but more survivability.


  • Great Cerulean Sea, Sizzling Seafood Medley or Aromatic Seafood Platter.

Combat Potion

  • Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power
  • Residual Neural Channeling Agent -- Can be used while being dead if your potion is ready.

Health Potion

  • Potion of Withering Dreams -- a big burst of healing
  • Dreamwalker's Healing Potion -- less healing upfront but an additional small heal over time.

Weapon Rune

  • Howling Rune
  • Hissing Rune

Augment Rune

  • Dreambound Augment Rune -- Requires Reputation
  • Draconic Augment Rune


  • Skillful Illimited Diamond,Fierce Illimited Diamond or Resplendent Illimited Diamond -- Unique, made by work order
  • Energized Malygite -- Which secondary stat gems you want depend very much on your current stat balance, for best results use Simulationcraft to find ideal gems.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Fury Warrior

For min-maxing a Fury Warrior in Mythic+, different racial traits can provide a tremendous benefit to your characters. If this is not your top goal, picking a race that fits your style works just as well.


For Mythic+ you usually care more about Utility abilities than damage when choosing a racial, and which racial abilities are the best for Fury Warriors changes with new patch updates, and also change depending on which dungeon you are running. Two races stand out above the rest currently, Dwarf and Night Elf.

  • Dwarf Stoneform --- 120 Second Cooldown
    • Example use-cases:
      • Bursting stacks.
      • Splinterbark on Overgrown Ancient (Algeth'ar Academy).
      • Deep Chill from Glacial Proto-Dragons (Halls of Infusion).
      • Withering from Fetid Rotsingers and Brackenhide Shapers (Brackenhide Hollow).
      • Earthen Shards from Sentinel Talondras (Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr).
      • Stolen Time from Infinite Timereavers (Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr).
      • Dragon Strike from Chargath (Neltharus).
      • Bold Ambush from Qalashi Hunters (Neltharus).
  • Night Elf Shadowmeld --- 120 Second Cooldown
    • Example use-cases:
      • Cast Shadowmeld when Forgemaster Gorek (Neltharus) targets you with Blazing Aegis, thiscompletely negates the mechanic for you and the rest of the group.
      • Run past basically any mob and then cast Shadowmeld to make them reset. Even works on mobs that have stealth detection if you get enough distance before you Shadowmeld.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Fury Warrior

Discover recommended macros for Fury Warrior during Mythic+ dungeons and watch a quick video guide on creating simple macros for your character.

Macro Import Guide Video

Cursor Macros

Bladestorm and Ravager Macro --- If you have Ravager talented then you use Ravager on your cursor, if not then you Bladestorm.

/cast [known:228920,@cursor] Ravager; Bladestorm

Thunderous Roar and Champion's Spear Macro --- If you have both abilities talented then Champion's Spear is prioritized, and if you have Champion's Spear talented it is cast on your cursor.

/cast [known:376079,@cursor] Champion's Spear; Thunderous Roar

Heroic Leap Macro --- Leap on your cursor without the extra mouse click.

/cast [@cursor] Heroic Leap

Mouseover Macros

Convenience Macros


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Fury Warrior

Below, you see a screenshot of the author's User Interface for their Fury Warrior, outlining which addons are used and how they are utilized in Mythic+ dungeons to make your life easier.

Fury Warrior Mythic+ Guide (3)



Changes this Patch

Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Fury Warrior

Patch 11.0


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Fury Warrior

Q: Why is my Recklessness uptime low with Anger Management?


Written By: Revvez

Reviewed By: Rycn

Fury Warrior Mythic+ Guide (2024)


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